
和外國男/女友聊天,除了說:”Hey, how’s your day?”之外,





👱: Hey, babe, would you rather spend time at the beach or in the mountains?

👩:I prefer to spend time at the beach.

👱:What’s the reason behind your preference?”

你知道該怎麼繼續話題嗎? 趕緊偷看下面的口說單字庫!👇👇

口說單字庫 Vocabulary List:

  • 喜歡冒險的人 adventurous person  ➡️ 我是一個喜歡嘗試新事物、探索未知地方的冒險者. I’m an adventurous person who likes to try new things and explore unknown places. 
  • 海浪的聲音 the sound of the waves ➡️ 海浪的聲音對我來說很舒緩 The sound of the waves is soothing to me.
  • 享受爬山 enjoy hiking ➡️I enjoy hiking in the mountains.
  • 被大自然所環繞 surrounded by nature ➡️在山間漫步時,我喜歡被大自然所環繞. When hiking in the mountains, I enjoy being surrounded by nature.
  • 恢復活力的 rejuvenated ➡️我去海邊後會感覺恢復活力. I feel rejuvenated after visiting the beach.
  • 探索隱藏的山谷 exploring hidden valleys ➡️我喜歡沿著崎嶇的小徑徒步和探索隱藏的山谷所帶來的冒險感. I love the sense of adventure that comes with hiking along rugged trails and exploring hidden valleys.
  • 感到放鬆 a sense of relaxation ➡️花時間與大自然相處讓我感到放鬆. Spending time in nature often brings a sense of relaxation.
  • 珍惜當下 cherish the moment ➡️ 讓我們珍惜這一刻,創造能夠持續一生的回憶. Let’s cherish the moment and make memories that will last a lifetime.
  • 脫離日常生活的喧囂與忙亂 disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life ➡️ 我覺得我可以暫時脫離日常生活的喧囂與忙亂. I feel like I can truly disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.


I’d rather spend time in the mountains. I’m an __________ who likes to try new things and explore unknown places. I love the adventure that comes with hiking along rugged trails and exploring hidden valleys. When ________ in the mountains, I enjoy being surrounded by ________. Spending time in nature often brings a sense of ________ and allows me to disconnect from the ___________ of everyday life. Although the sound of the waves is soothing to me, I feel rejuvenated after immersing myself in the tranquility of the mountains. 


I’d rather spend time in the mountains. I’m an adventurous person who likes to try new things and explore unknown places. I love the adventure that comes with hiking along rugged trails and exploring hidden valleys. When hiking in the mountains, I enjoy being surrounded by nature. Spending time in nature often brings a sense of relaxation and allows me to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Although the sound of the waves is soothing to me, I feel rejuvenated after immersing myself in the tranquility of the mountains. 

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