


👱:Hey, I’ve been thinking about how to improve my spoken English lately. Do you have any tips or techniques you use to practice?

👩:Sure, where do you stuck at right now?

👱:I find myself stumbling over words and feeling a bit nervous when speaking, especially in front of native English speakers. How can I become more confident and fluent in conversations?


口說單字庫 Vocabulary List:

  • 演練想說的話 rehearse what I want to say ➡️ 我經常會在重要的談話之前演練我想說的話。I often rehearse what I want to say in English before important conversations. 
  • 克服英語的恐懼 overcome my fear of speaking English ➡️我嘗試克服說英語的恐懼。I try to overcome my fear of speaking English. 
  • 定期練習 practicing regularly ➡️我注意到自從我開始定期練習後,我的口語英語有了一些進步。I’ve noticed some progress in my spoken English since I started practicing regularly.
  • 讓自己沉浸在語言中 immerse myself in the language ➡️我試著積極參加英語活動,讓自己沉浸在語言中。I try to actively participate in English-speaking activities to immerse myself in the language.
  • 提供發音和文法的反饋 feedback on pronunciation and grammar ➡️我很感激當母語人士給我提供發音和文法方面的反饋。I appreciate it when native speakers give me feedback on my pronunciation and grammar. 
  • 不怕犯錯 not afraid to make mistakes ➡️我在說英語時不怕犯錯,因為我知道這有助於我改進。I’m not afraid to make mistakes when speaking English because I know it helps me improve.
  • 聽力技能 listening skills ➡️我一直在透過聽英文播客和有聲書來提升我的聽力技能。I’ve been working on my listening skills by listening to English podcasts and audiobooks.
  • 自學 self-study ➡️我利用線上課程和語言應用程式進行自學,以提高我的口語英文。I use online courses and language apps for self-study to improve my spoken English.
  • 覺得更加自信 feel more confident ➡️我總是準備英文演講,以增加我在說話時的自信心。I always prepare for presentations in English to feel more confident when speaking.
  • 模仿母語人士的語調 mimic the intonation of native speakers ➡️我正在嘗試模仿母語人士的語調,以改善我的口語英語。I’m trying to mimic the intonation of native speakers to improve my spoken English.


I’ve been working on improving my spoken English too. Here are some tips that have helped me. I often _______________ before important conversations. To _______________  speaking English, I ____________ myself in the language by participating in English-speaking activities. Practicing regularly has made a noticeable difference. I’m not afraid to _______________  because I know it helps me improve. Listening to English podcasts and audiobooks has boosted my _______________ . Self-study through online courses and language apps has also been beneficial. Lastly, mimicking the intonation of native speakers helps me feel more __________ and fluent.


I’ve been working on improving my spoken English too. Here are some tips that have helped me. I often rehearse what I want to say before important conversations. To overcome my fear of speaking English, I immerse myself in the language by participating in English-speaking activities. Practicing regularly has made a noticeable difference. I’m not afraid to make mistakes because I know it helps me improve. Listening to English podcasts and audiobooks has boosted my listening skills. Self-study through online courses and language apps has also been beneficial. Lastly, mimicking the intonation of native speakers helps me feel more confident and fluent.

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