


  • 第1題 (Writing Task 1) :整合寫作題型
  • 第2題 (Writing Task 2) :獨立寫作題型

第1題 整合寫作題 Writing Task 1



閱讀 (3分鐘) ➤聽⼒ (約2分鐘) ➤閱讀寫作題⽬ ➤寫作 (20分鐘) 建議字數250-300字

第2題 獨立寫作題 Writing Task 2



閱讀寫作題⽬➤寫作 (30分鐘)建議字數350-400字



閱讀題目 Reading Passage

Currently, about 85% of foods claiming to be vanilla flavored do not contain any natural vanilla, but instead use an artificial chemical flavoring that does not come from the vanilla plant. But as more consumers demand all-natural foods, the price of natural vanilla has increased dramatically. This has brought about several troubling problems. This has brought about several troubling problems which will prevent the industry from prospering.

First, as is often the case with very valuable substances, there has been a marked increase in vanilla-related crime. Often, thieves sneak into vanilla farms at night and use knives to cut the vanilla pods off the trees. They then sell the stolen pods on the open market as if they had grown them themselves. These criminals are nearly impossible to catch and severely impact the lives of legitimate vanilla farmers.

Second, while the market price of vanilla has increased in recent years, the farmers themselves have not seen much increase in profits. This is chiefly because the farmers do not sell their produce to food distributors directly, but rather sell their pods to middlemen, who then sell to large distribution companies. These middlemen provide no real value to the farmers or the distributors, but nonetheless are able to take a hefty profit from their trading.

Third, the incredible demand for natural vanilla has led farmers to engage in environmentally hazardous agricultural practices. In order to maximize production, farmers have dramatically increased the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Rain can wash these chemicals into rivers and streams, making water sources dangerous for humans and animals. Birds will often eat insects killed by pesticides, not knowing that the same poison will kill them as well. Furthermore, the production and use of these chemicals releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.

聽力題目逐字稿 Lecture:

There are indeed several challenges in the field of vanilla production, but there are also some creative solutions to these problems. By taking certain courses of action, the natural vanilla industry can see great market success.

First, regarding the rise of vanilla pod theft, one solution is to mark the pods in a way that makes them traceable. Farmers can use a knife to carve a symbol or a name in the vanilla pods while they grow on the tree. This leaves a permanent scar that can be recognized by buyers. Every time vanilla pods are purchased, buyers will need to confirm that the markings match the seller, otherwise the purchase will be canceled. This will make it much more difficult for criminals to profit from stealing pods.

Second, though in the past farmers have relied on middlemen to sell their produce to large food distributors, we are already seeing some changes in the supply chain. Some distributors have hired sourcing agents, who travel into rural areas to meet with farmers directly. The agents tour vanilla farms, ensuring that the vanilla pods meet the company’s quality standards. After coming to an agreement, the large corporations can purchase vanilla directly from the farmers. This way, farmers get a larger percent of the profit from their crops, while distributors avoid the inflated prices of middlemen.

Finally, one way to reduce the environmental damage that can accompany vanilla production is to introduce an organic certification system. Many consumers are willing to pay more money for organic foods, which are grown without the use of dangerous pesticides and fertilizers, but at present there is no method to verify which vanilla pods are grown this way. If an international organization were established to do this, they could mark organic vanilla products with a seal, showing consumers that they are worth spending a little extra money on. Thus, farmers would have an incentive to choose sustainable agricultural practices.



The lecture explains solutions to three problems in the field of vanilla production. Summarize the solutions in the lecture, being sure to explain how they respond to problems mentioned in the reading passage. (2022年12月真題)

👩‍🦱整合寫作美國老師滿分示範範文- 全文(字數: 293字)

The reading passage investigates the issues associated with the production of natural vanilla. The growing popularity for natural vanilla has led to unsustainable farming methods, insufficient income for farmers, and a rise in criminal activity concerning vanilla. Despite the argument being supported by evidence, the lecturer was unconvinced because of the following reasons.

First, the reading passage suggests that it is extremely difficult to trace and prevent crimes related to vanilla as stolen vanilla pods are frequently sold on the market by thieves. In response, the lecturer proposes to engrave symbols or names onto vanilla pods to stop criminals from profiting. Buyers can inspect to make sure the pods are from the seller, or else they will not finalize the sale.

Second, the reading passage asserts that despite the hike in vanilla prices, farmers’ earnings have not grown. This is due to middlemen buying vanilla at a low cost and then selling it to wholesalers at a much higher rate. The lecturer argues that the market has changed, with distributors now employing sourcing agents to acquire vanilla pods straight from the farmers. By cutting out middlemen, farmers can increase their earnings.

Last but not least, the author suggests that the farmers tend to adopt unsustainable techniques, like using pesticides and fertilizers. The increased production of vanilla achieved through these practices is detrimental to the environment. The listening passage, however, implies that organic certification could be a practical solution to the sustainability problem. Farmers can also receive proof of sustainability, which can motivate them to cultivate sustainable products.

To conclude, the evidence presented in this essay shows that both sides of the argument are contradictory. The ideas expressed in the reading passage may appear valid, but they are disproved by the speaker’s solid arguments.

👱‍♀️整合寫作美國老師滿分示範範文- 全文(字數: 299字)

The reading passage discusses the challenges associated with producing natural vanilla. Increased demand for natural vanilla has resulted in unsustainable farming practices, low profits for farmers, and vanilla-related crime. Although the concerns are daunting, the lecturer provides several plausible solutions.

First, the reading passage states that vanilla-related crimes are almost impossible to trace and prevent. Thieves often sell stolen vanilla pods on the market. The listening passage acknowledges this problem and offers a solution: carving a marking on the pods to identify their source. Buyers can check the markings to verify that the pods came from the seller; otherwise, they will not complete the purchase. This strategy will deter vanilla pod theft.

Second, the reading passage claims that farmers’ profits have not increased despite the rising price of vanilla. This is because middlemen purchase vanilla for the same, low price and sell it to distributors at a much higher price. While this is true, the speaker suggests that there is a shift in the market, with distributors now hiring sourcing agents who purchase vanilla pods directly from farmers. This cuts out the middlemen and leads to more profits for farmers, as there is not an intermediary draining profits.

Finally, the reading passage observes that farmers often use unsustainable practices, such as applying pesticides and fertilizers. These practices maximize vanilla production but have a detrimental impact on the environment. However, the listening passage suggests that establishing an organic certification could solve the sustainability issue. Having a way to prove that their produce is grown sustainably will incentivize farmers to do so.

Based on the reasoning shown above, it is clear that there is a discrepancy between the accounts of the reading and the listening passages. Although the challenges in the reading passage seem vexing, the speaker provides solutions to them.


獨立寫作真題 題目(2022年12月真題)


When you are planning on making a major purchase (such as a car, computer, etc.), which of the following is most important to you? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Recommendations from your friend or family
Advertisements on television, websites or social media
Recommendations from salesperson in the store

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

👱‍♀️獨立寫作台灣老師滿分示範範文- 全文 (字數: 369字)

Making major purchases such as cars, computers, and other expensive items can be a challenge. With so much at stake, it is important to get the best deal and make the best choice. Many individuals may find it useful to receive advice from those close to them, as well as commercials seen on TV and ads seen on websites or social media. However, I find that getting advice from a salesperson in a store can be extremely beneficial when buying something expensive.

First, salespeople typically possess a great deal of knowledge regarding the items they are offering. They are usually familiar with the features and benefits of the items they are selling and can provide helpful advice on which product may be best for a particular customer. After I told the saleswoman I was a new driver and felt intimidated when changing lanes, she suggested I get a car with lights on the side mirrors. As a result, I made an informed decision.

Second, salespeople may be able to provide customers with special bargains or reduced prices that they may not know about. For example, some stores may offer discounts for buying in bulk or for other promotions. When I purchased my vehicle, the saleswoman gave me an extensive overview of the various promotions and assisted me in benefiting from them. I was able to secure an excellent vehicle at a bargain price, which was a huge money saver.

Third, salespeople can also provide customers with helpful advice about how to use the product. This can be especially helpful for items such as digital cameras, which require some knowledge and understanding of how to use them. When I bought my camera, I had many questions, and the salesperson provided me with comprehensive answers to all of my questions. It was extremely helpful when I had problems troubleshooting the new camera.

Overall, recommendations from a salesperson in the store are invaluable when making a major purchase. Salespeople are knowledgeable about the products they are selling and can provide customers with additional information, deals, and tips about the product. However, it does not mean that other views should be completely disregarded. I believe that my perspective is well-supported by reasons above.

👱‍♀️獨立寫作美國老師滿分示範範文- 全文 (字數: 375字)

People use information from various sources to make a major purchase, such as a car or a computer. Oftentimes they use recommendations from friends and family, advertisements on television and websites, or recommendations from a salesperson in the store. Although all sources are valuable, I prefer to use recommendations from friends and family in my purchasing decisions.

First, friends and family are people you can trust. They will give you their honest opinion with your best interests in mind. They also understand your specific situation better than anyone else and can personalize recommendations to you. For example, when I purchased my first car, my family suggested I get a Honda because Hondas have a strong reputation for reliability. They also keep their value well, and my family knew I would likely sell my car soon because I wanted to move. It turned out to be the right decision.

Second, advertisements and salespeople are both biased sources of information. Advertisements present the product in a more enticing way to encourage purchases, while salespeople can resort to dishonest tactics to close the sale because they are compensated for sales. Both of these sources of information do not account for the customer’s best interests. Family and friends, meanwhile, have no such vested interest, so their review of the product is more realistic. In the Honda example above, my family members are all Honda customers and recommended the brand for reliability because they had had very few issues with their cars over many years of ownership.

Finally, friends and family members can help you discover more product options that you may not have explored. Salespeople will often recommend the products that give them the highest commission, and you will not be aware of products that aren’t heavily advertised if you rely on advertisements to make decisions. Friends may have done the research to find a better, lesser known option and can suggest it to you.

In conclusion, given the reasons mentioned above, I strongly believe that recommendations from friends and family are the best source of information when making a major purchasing decision. That is not to say other opinions are completely out of merit. However, I believe I have substantiated reasons to support my point of view.



  • 第1題➤獨立題型 ➤個人意見題
  • 第2題➤整合題型 ➤校園情境題
  • 第3題➤整合題型 ➤觀念例子題
  • 第4題➤整合題型 ➤學術講課題

第1題 Speaking Task 1


看到題目➤準備 (15秒)➤口說回答 (45秒)

第2題 Speaking Task 2


閱讀 (45-50秒)➤聽力 (約1-1.5分)➤準備 (30秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)

第3題 Speaking Task 3


閱讀 (45-50秒)➤聽力 (約1-1.5分)➤準備 (30秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)

第4題 Speaking Task 4


聽力 (約1-2分)➤準備 (20秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)



問題:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should reward children for putting forth effort on a task, regardless of how well the children perform the task. Explain your reasons, using specific details in your explanation. (2022年12月真題)

🎙口說第1題 示範答案音檔

口說第1題 示範答案 逐字稿

I agree that parents should reward children based on the effort they put forth on a task, not necessarily how well they do on it. For one thing, this can help nurture good habits on the part of the child. For example, my brother is teaching his young daughter to clean the table after eating. Even though the table usually doesn’t get very clean, the rewards that he gives her help her to develop this good habit. Second, rewarding children based off effort can help encourage them to practice a task that they’re not very good at. For instance, most children are very bad at a musical instrument like the violin when they first begin. But, by rewarding them, they feel encouraged to keep practicing and get better. That’s why I feel this way.


口說第2題 真題(2022年12月真題)

閱讀題目 Letter

Summer Psychology Research Camp
This year during summer break, our university will host its annual psychology research camp. Undergraduates will work alongside doctoral students as they design and carry out psychology experiments during this camp. The camp will provide excellent opportunities for undergraduates to get hands-on experience and connect with rising stars in the field. However, not all students will be qualified to attend. In order to ensure that the doctoral students have the best teammates possible, only students who have taken two years of laboratory psychology classes will be allowed to apply. If you are unable to apply this year, we hope that you will consider applying in the future.

聽力題目逐字稿 Listening

Listen to a conversation between two students.
A: Did you see the announcement about the summer camp? What did you think?
B: Yeah, I did! It seems like an incredible opportunity. I’m considering applying myself.
A: Oh really? Why’s that?
B: Well, I was talking with my professor, and she said this camp is a great way to meet higher level students working in the field. Participants often stay in touch with each other after the camp, so it’s helpful for later research projects.
A: Because you might work together on future experiments?
B: Exactly. Undergraduates don’t usually get to carry out real psychology research, but if you can join a doctoral student’s experiment you can get experience you wouldn’t otherwise have.
A: That all makes sense to me, but what about the requirement that you need two years of laboratory experience to apply? Doesn’t that seem too restrictive?
B: Not at all! In fact, I think it’s absolutely reasonable.
A: How so?
B: Well, in the field of psychology, there’s a lot you need to know before you can start doing real experiments. For example, you need to understand the factors that might give you misleading data. Plus, there’s a lot of ethical questions to consider when you’re doing experiments on real people.
A: So you’re saying it’s important to learn those things in a classroom first.
B: That’s right.



The woman expresses her opinion of the university announcement. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. (2022年12月真題)

🎙口說第2題 示範答案音檔

口說第2題 示範答案逐字稿

The university announcement discusses an upcoming summer camp for undergraduate psychology students to work on experiments with doctoral students. The speaker in the listening section thinks that it’s an excellent idea and is thinking about applying herself, based on the following two reasons. First, she thinks that it can help undergraduates make connections with doctoral students. They might work together on future experiments after the camp and this will give good hands on experience to the undergrads. Second, she thinks that it’s reasonable to have a requirement that all applicants have two years of laboratory experience already. She says there’s a lot of important things for experimenters to know, for example about misleading data or ethical questions related to doing experiments on people. This is why she feels this way.


閱讀題目 Textbook

Euryhaline Organisms
The vast majority of aquatic animals live in either freshwater or saltwater and will die if they enter water with the wrong salt level. However, some creatures are able to survive in both saltwater and freshwater at some phase in their life cycle. They are called the euryhaline organisms. They do this by changing the manner in which their bodies take in and get rid of water as they swim through it. Some euryhaline organisms live in environments that contain both types of water, such as coastline estuaries, while others travel between seas and rivers as part of their natural lifecycle.

聽力題目逐字稿 Lecture

OK, let’s take the sockeye salmon as an example of a euryhaline organism. These fish live all across the north Pacific, from Japan to the northeastern United States. Their eggs hatch in cold freshwater streams, miles away from the ocean, but as the baby fish begin to mature, they make their way downstream to the sea. As they do so, their bodies change. They develop harder scales and, more importantly, undergo a process to survive the change from fresh to seawater. All fish in freshwater are constantly absorbing water, so they need to continually expel liquid from their bodies, but saltwater fish are constantly losing water, and so have to take in water all the time. As the young sockeye salmon arrive at the mouth of the river and enter the sea, their bodies shift from expelling water to absorbing water, allowing them to survive the transition from low salinity to high salinity. After about two years of living in the ocean, the fish are ready to reproduce and head back to a freshwater river, reversing the process they had undergone earlier. Once again adapting to freshwater, they swim upstream to lay eggs and begin the cycle again.



Using the example of sockeye salmon, explain the concept of euryhaline organisms. (2022年12月真題)

🎙口說第3題 示範答案音檔

口說第3題 示範答案逐字稿

The reading passage discusses the concept of euryhaline organisms, which are creatures who can live in both saltwater and freshwater in different times in their lifecycle. The professor in the lecture gives the example of sockeye salmon. These fish, when they first hatch from eggs, are in freshwater streams, but as they mature they swim downstream to the ocean. When they reach the ocean, their bodies change so that instead of constantly expelling water, they start constantly absorbing water. The fish live in the ocean for a few years and then when they’re mature and ready to mate they return to the freshwater streams and their bodies undergo the same process in reverse. How these fish can live in both saltwater and freshwater is an excellent example of euryhaline organisms.


聽力題目逐字稿 Listening (2022年12月真題)

Listen to a lecture in a biology class

Birds are warm-blooded animals, meaning that when cold winter months come, they must find a way to stay warm and preserve energy. There are several different physical and behavioral methods that birds use to maintain their body temperature, but for today we’ll focus on two that have to do with the homes that birds live in.

First, some birds find warm places to sleep in their environment. For example, a bird called the nuthatch has a tendency to make its home in a hole in a living tree. The tree cavity is already formed and does not require extra effort on the part of the nuthatch, but provides excellent protection against the cold. The wood of the tree blocks the wind from nearly all directions, while the upper part of the tree keeps rain or snow from falling in. Furthermore, the wood absorbs sunlight during the day and remains warm deep into the night. In particular, the moisture in living trees insulates heat and helps the nuthatch to keep warm on cold winter nights.

Other birds take a different approach to having warm homes. Rather than finding warm homes in their environment, they build nests with particular characteristics to ensure their warmth. Take the grouse for example. It builds its nest on the ground during the autumn, when there is plenty of material around. When building its nest, the grouse lays many pieces of grass on the ground horizontally and then adds another layer vertically. After repeating this process a few times, it has a thick layer of grass with no gaps. When winter comes and the ground freezes, this “floor” provides a buffer between the bird and the cold soil, helping the grouse maintain its body temperature.



Using points and the examples from the lecture, explain two ways birds keep warm in winter and why they are effective.(2022年12月真題)

🎙口說第4題 示範答案音檔

口說第4題 示範答案逐字稿

The professor in the lecture discusses two ways that birds use their homes to stay warm during winter months. First, some birds find warm places to live in. For example, the nuthatch finds a hole in a living tree. The wood of the tree blocks the wind and the upper part keeps out rain and snow. The tree also absorbs heat during the day from the sun and holds in that heat at night. Other birds will build nests with characteristics that help keep the bird warm. For example, the grouse builds its nests on the ground. When it does, it makes a type of floor out of grass in a crisscross pattern. This helps create a barrier between the bird and the frozen earth. So, these are the two ways the lecture describes for how birds use their homes to stay warm.




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