


  • 第1題 (Writing Task 1) :整合寫作題型
  • 第2題 (Writing Task 2) :學術討論寫作題型

第1題 整合寫作題 Writing Task 1



閱讀 (3分鐘) ➤聽⼒ (約2分鐘) ➤閱讀寫作題⽬ ➤寫作 (20分鐘) 建議字數250-300字

第2題 學術討論寫作題 Writing Task 2



閱讀題⽬與寫作(10分鐘) 建議字數120-150字



閱讀題目 Reading Passage

One fascinating behavior in the plant world is that some trees fold their leaves at night. This behavior, noticed in different types of trees, raises perplexing questions about its reasons and the advantages it gives. Three possible reasons for this leaf-folding strategy have been proposed, namely, avoiding cold, protecting against fungus, and reducing exposure to nighttime light.
One significant reason for trees folding their leaves at night is to stay warm when it’s cold in the dark. At night, temperatures can drop rapidly, and the thin leaves lose heat faster if they are open. Folding leaves reduces the surface area exposed to the open area, meaning that heat is lost more slowly. This helps trees save energy and keeps their metabolic processes working well, especially in places where nighttime temperatures can get very low.

Fungus is always a threat to plants, especially in humid conditions. Fungus spores float in the wind and land on trees. When the spores infect a tree, the fungus absorbs nutrients and spreads, eventually killing the tree. Leaves are a favorite target for fungus because their outer layer is much easier to penetrate than bark. By folding, leaves become smaller targets for fungus spores flying in the air. With a lower chance of infection, folding leaves provide some protection for trees.

Another reason for trees folding their leaves at night is to avoid light during the dark hours. In places with artificial or natural nighttime light, photosynthesis could continue without folding leaves. Even though photosynthesis is a method for producing energy, the process does require the use of resources such as water and nutrients. Therefore, doing photosynthesis at night might not be efficient for the tree, as the costs could outweigh the benefits. Folding leaves and pausing photosynthesis helps trees save resources and adjust to the natural day and night cycle.

聽力題目逐字稿 Lecture:

In fact, the mystery behind why trees fold their leaves is just that: a mystery. None of the theories offered provides a satisfactory answer to the question.
First, the assertion that trees fold their leaves primarily to stay warm in areas with significant temperature variations is questionable. Leaf folding is observed not only in regions with substantial temperature drops but also in areas with relatively mild and stable nighttime temperatures. In many places in North America, the difference between day and night temperatures is only a few degrees Celsius, but the trees still fold their leaves. Furthermore, leaf folding is not always seen in places that have dramatic temperature fluctuations.

Second, while it may be true that folded leaves provide a smaller target for flying fungal spores to land on, ecological observations show that this does not provide any real protection against fungal infection. In reality, the enclosed environment created by folded leaves can become a perfect breeding ground for fungi. The trapped moisture within the folded leaves can create a humid microclimate, fostering fungal growth. While spores are less likely to land inside the folded pocket, they are also very unlikely to be blown away by the wind or fall to the ground. So, leaf folding can’t have evolved in order to protect against fungus.

Third, the suggestion that photosynthesis consumes substantial resources, justifying the suspension of this process during the night, does not accurately represent the efficiency of photosynthetic activity. Photosynthesis does indeed require water and nutrients, but very little. The energy gained from the process greatly outweighs these costs, even in low-light conditions at night. Light from stars or the moon can still facilitate a certain level of photosynthesis, contributing to the tree’s overall energy balance and consuming a tiny amount of other resources.



Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they respond to the specific points made in the reading passage.(2023年8月真題)

👩‍🦱整合寫作美國老師滿分示範範文- 全文(字數:286字)

The listening passage casts doubt on the explanations provided in the reading passage regarding the phenomenon of trees folding their leaves at night. The listening passage challenges the idea that avoiding cold temperatures, protecting against fungal infections, and reducing exposure to nighttime light are reasonable explanations for the phenomenon.
First, the reading passage suggests that trees fold their leaves primarily to stay warm during the night. However, the listening passage claims that leaf folding occurs in areas with relatively mild and stable nighttime temperatures. In some parts of North America, temperatures change little between night and day, but trees still fold their leaves. So, it cannot be the case that trees fold their leaves to preserve heat.

Second, the reading passage posits that folded leaves serve as a protective measure against fungal infections by reducing the surface area exposed to fungal spores. On the other hand, the listening passage points out that the enclosed environment created by folded leaves can actually become an ideal breeding ground for fungi, fostering their growth rather than protecting against infection. This challenges the notion that leaf folding evolved as a defense mechanism against fungus.

Finally, the reading passage suggests that trees fold their leaves at night to avoid the resource costs associated with nighttime photosynthesis. The listening passage disproves this idea by showing that photosynthesis consumes very little water and nutrients.The energy gained from the process outweighs these costs, even in low-light conditions at night. Therefore, leaf folding cannot have evolved to stop photosynthesis and preserve resources.

The listening passage challenges the reading passage’s reasons for why trees fold their leaves at night. It counters each of the arguments given, leaving the reason for leaf folding a mystery.

👱‍♀️整合寫作滿分示範範文- 全文(字數:288字)

The reading passage provides three reasons for why some trees fold their leaves at night: it protects them from cold, it prevents fungal infection and it preserves resources. However, the listening passage refutes each of these theories.

First, the reading passage contends that folding their leaves allows trees to preserve heat because less surface area is exposed to cold air at night. The reading passage disproves this theory by observing that leaf folding happens in areas where there is little difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures. For instance, in North America, some areas have stable nighttime temperatures, but the trees in those places still fold their leaves. Therefore, trees do not fold their leaves to prevent heat loss.

Second, the reading passage argues that folded leaves are a smaller target for fungus spores floating in the air, so trees fold their leaves to prevent fungal infection. However, the professor in the lecture observes that the enclosed pocket of a folded leaf is actually a perfect breeding environment for fungi. Spores are protected from the wind and have a humid environment to grow and spread. Thus, folding leaves is counterproductive when trying to reduce fungal infection.

Finally, the professor refutes the reading passage’s claim that folding their leaves helps trees reduce photosynthesis and save resources. While photosynthesis does require some resources, the amount is so small that even the low light of the moon provides enough energy to outweigh the costs. So, there is no need to reduce photosynthesis at night.

Though the reading passage’s explanations for leaf folding seem convincing, the professor in the lecture disproves each one. She states that at this time there is no satisfying answer for why trees fold their leaves at night.


學術討論寫作真題 題目(2023年08月真題)


Your professor is teaching a class on business. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.

In your response, you should do the following:
– Express and support your opinion.
– Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Doctor Diaz:

Nowadays, the world is facing a number of pressing environmental problems, and over the next few weeks, we’ll be discussing various innovations that may help solve these problems. To begin our discussion, I’d like you to think of one global environmental problem – for example, it could be related to water, air, land, climate, biodiversity, energy, or something similar. Then explain what you think would be an effective solution to this problem.

Kelly (student 1):

One of the major environmental problems is the limited freshwater supply in many areas of the world, which means that we need to find effective technologies to provide people with enough drinking water. One solution is to improve the technology for removing salt from seawater, which could allow us to use seawater to replenish dwindling freshwater supplies.

Brian (student 2):

I think the biggest problem is the air pollution caused by the overuse of motorized vehicles. The obvious solution is for local governments to promote alternatives, like building bike lanes in cities or improving public transportation with electric buses. Both of these would be easy to implement as well.


One significant environmental problem is the burning of coal to produce electricity. Many regions rely on coal power at great environmental cost. The primary solution is for governments to incentivize power companies to transition to wind or solar power instead.

Burning coal, including “clean coal,” releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and other harmful gasses that affect both the environment and human health. The process of mining coal, particularly through mountaintop removal, causes destruction to landscapes and leads to the spillage of toxic substances like mercury into waterways.

To address this problem, governments can employ various strategies like implementing a carbon tax to make coal burning more expensive for companies, investing in the development of solar farms, and ensuring that public infrastructure supports the use of wind or solar energy.


A significant global environmental challenge revolves around the extensive use of single-use plastics, contributing markedly to pollution in oceans and landfills. Addressing this issue necessitates a multifaceted strategy. Primarily, governments and industries should prioritize investing in the research and development of alternative biodegradable materials. Encouraging sustainable packaging and providing incentives for companies to adopt eco-friendly materials can expedite this shift.

Simultaneously, public awareness campaigns should educate individuals about the impact of plastic pollution, promoting responsible consumption and disposal habits. The implementation and strict enforcement of recycling programs further reduce the environmental footprint of plastic waste.

In addition, global collaboration is crucial, with international agreements and partnerships establishing standardized protocols for plastic production, usage, and waste management. This ensures a unified effort to combat this pervasive environmental challenge. In conclusion, a synergistic approach, involving innovation, education, and international cooperation, is essential for effectively addressing the issue of single-use plastics.

學術討論寫作真題 2 題目(2023年08月真題)


Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should do the following.

– Express and support your opinion.
– Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Doctor Achebe:

This week, we’ll look at how well students transition to university. Many recent high school graduates have taken a gap year-a yearlong break after graduation-before studying at a university. During a gap year, students may get jobs, travel, or simply relax and think about their future. Some students say their gap year was beneficial, while others regret having taken one. In your opinion, does taking a gap year create more advantages or disadvantages for students? Why?

Andrew (student 1):

The gap year would be a good opportunity for students to reflect on their education goals and confirm their plans for university. At least it would give someone time to investigate different fields and get a better sense of what it means to be in business, to work in an office, or to work with their hands, etc.

Claire (student 2):

Because university can be expensive, students should not take a gap year. Tuition, the cost of books, and living expenses rise every year. The money a student might save during a gap year might not be enough to cover the rise in prices when they enter university a year later.


I agree with Andrew that taking a gap year is advantageous to high school graduates because it allows young people to gain real-life experiences and determine their future goals.

Attending university is a critical time in many students’ lives, often determining their career path going forward. However, many teenagers do not have a good understanding of the world outside of school. For example, many young people wish to become teachers because education is the field they know most about. However, when they finally become teachers after years of study, they frequently discover that the work does not suit them. If those students take a gap year to explore other opportunities, they might discover other interests. Then they will not waste their time and money on a degree that is useless.

Thus, taking a gap year between high school and college gives students the chance to better plan their career path.


I share Claire’s perspective on the disadvantages of taking a gap year before college, though my concern differs. Many lower-income students who opt for employment during their gap year might find it challenging to relinquish their jobs, potentially deterring them from pursuing higher education altogether.

Attaining a university degree is pivotal for elevating lifetime income, but it demands a substantial investment of both time and money. The prospect of accumulating debt can be overwhelming for lower-income students, particularly when their families are financially strained. If these students engage in employment during their gap year, they may develop a dependency on that income, even if it is modest. The fear of managing without it dissuades them from pursuing a university education, trapping them in low-paying jobs. Consequently, this choice diminishes their lifetime earnings and constrains their ability to break free from poverty.

Hence, taking a gap year before college may prove disadvantageous for numerous students.

學術討論寫作真題 3 題目(2023年08月真題)


Your professor is teaching a class on education. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should do the following.

– Express and support your opinion.
– Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Doctor Achebe:

In our textbook, we read that parks and other green spaces with trees and plants have numerous benefits for people in cities. But city governments sometimes must choose between using a piece of available land as a green space or using it for other important purposes, such as for shopping areas or for manufacturing plants. In your opinion, which is the better use for available urban space? Why?

Kelly (student 1):

It’s true that parks can benefit people in cities, especially health-wise. But it’s more important to use the limited space for things that people cannot survive without, like hospitals or clinics. Medical care is often an urgent necessity. Visiting a park is not.

Claire (student 2):

I’m all for creating green spaces for people to enjoy, but you don’t necessarily need an open piece of land to do that. Let the available land be used for business or housing purposes. Green spaces can be created on the rooftops of existing buildings. And new buildings can be constructed creatively to include open spaces with plants and trees.


I agree with Kelly that city spaces should not be used for parks over other important functions. In particular, I believe that these spaces should be used for business and commercial purposes in order to promote economic growth.

By prioritizing business offices and shopping malls, cities can encourage employment growth and economic diversity, leading to financial security for residents. Residents of the city can be more confident in finding gainful employment. Once they are making a comfortable income, their quality of life will rise. For example, cities like Austin have successfully converted empty spaces into business complexes, attracting major companies and resulting in a higher median income for its residents. This could not have happened if the municipal government had emphasized parks over business interests.

Thus, cities should prioritize using urban spaces for economic development, and not for parks.


I have a different perspective from Kelly and Claire because I believe that urban parks should be a priority for cities. This is because they promote the health of citizens.

Unlike those in rural areas who often engage in physical labor, urban dwellers tend to have sedentary lifestyles. This lack of physical activity has led to various health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and even depression. Public parks offer a place for people to walk, jog, and play sports. For example, New Yorkers heavily rely on parks and spend significant amounts of time in Central Park. For many, this is the only space that they can easily exercise in. Despite the potential for profitable buildings, the city and its residents believe that the park is a more valuable use of the space.

In summary, cities should prioritize establishing urban parks to provide opportunities for exercise.



  • 第1題➤獨立題型 ➤個人意見題
  • 第2題➤整合題型 ➤校園情境題
  • 第3題➤整合題型 ➤觀念例子題
  • 第4題➤整合題型 ➤學術講課題

第1題 Speaking Task 1


看到題目➤準備 (15秒)➤口說回答 (45秒)

第2題 Speaking Task 2


閱讀 (45-50秒)➤聽力 (約1-1.5分)➤準備 (30秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)

第3題 Speaking Task 3


閱讀 (45-50秒)➤聽力 (約1-1.5分)➤準備 (30秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)

第4題 Speaking Task 4


聽力 (約1-2分)➤準備 (20秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important for college students to be financially independent.
Use details and examples to support your opinion. (2023年8月真題)

🎙口說第1題 示範答案音檔

托福真經月報 – 口說第一題示範答案

口說第1題 示範答案 逐字稿

I disagree that it’s important for college students to be financially independent for the following two reasons. First, those financially independent students need to find jobs, but this can hurt them academically. For example, my friend Emily in college, uh, relied on her own income to pay for tuition and housing, but she worked so much that she didn’t have time to study or do homework, and her grades suffered because of it. Second, it simply isn’t possible for many students to be financially independent. Tuition is incredibly expensive, as well as housing and food, so it’s just not possible for many people to be able to be financially independent while attending college.


口說第2題 真題(2023年08月真題)

閱讀題目 Reading

Dormitory Expansion
We are pleased to announce that the university will expand South Hall, one of our smaller dormitories. In recent years, housing has been limited, both on and off campus. This construction project will involve adding three stories to the top of the building, greatly increasing the number of rooms available to students on campus. Another reason for this decision was the concern many students expressed regarding the neighboring park. By expanding vertically, the park will not be taken up by new construction. Protecting green spaces for our students is worth the extra cost of building upward.

聽力題目逐字稿 Conversation

Listen to a conversation between two students

A: I’m so glad to get this news about South Hall!

B: You think it’s a good idea?

A: Absolutely! There’s a real need for more student housing. Right now there isn’t enough space in the dorms for all the students, so many are having to rent expensive apartments off campus. And finding apartments is stressful, too.

B: But the dorm expansion will solve that problem?

A: Well, it will certainly help. Maybe not everyone will be able to fit in the dorms, but at least there will be more opportunities to find on-campus housing. And maybe it’ll help lower the price of off-campus apartments too.

B: I was glad to hear that the park won’t be affected.

A: Me too! I was one of the students who wrote letters to the school asking them to preserve the park.

B: Even though it makes the building project more expensive?

A: It’s worth it. We have so few green areas for students to relax in that it would be a real shame to take up part of the park for a concrete building. My friends and I often go there to play with a frisbee or just sit under a tree and read. It gives us some peace of mind in the midst of our busy schedules.



The woman expresses her opinion of the announcement. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.(2023年8月真題)

🎙口說第2題 示範答案音檔

托福真經月報 – 口說第二題示範答案

口說第2題 示範答案逐字稿

The campus announcement mentions that South Hall, one of the dormitories, will be expanded by adding some stories to the top of the building. The student in the listening thinks that this is an excellent idea for the following two reasons. First, it will greatly increase the number of dorm rooms available to students. Housing is difficult to find, and this will increase the opportunity for students to find on campus housing. It could also lower prices for apartments off campus as well. Second, the student is glad that the new construction project will not expand into the nearby park. Even though adding to the top of the building is more expensive, it preserves the green space that is available for students to relax in. For example, the speaker in the listening likes to play frisbee or read under a tree in the park. So, he is glad to see this news from the university announcement.


閱讀題目 Reading passage

Open-Source Development
Typically, companies try to keep their inventions and designs secret from their competitors. If others can easily copy a company’s products, it is difficult to maintain any competitive advantage. However, in some cases, a company may choose to deliberately share their intellectual property with others. Sometimes this practice, called open-source development, is done with a sense of morality or altruism, where the company in question believes that sharing their information openly will make the world a better place. Other times, companies engage in open-source development because they believe that they can benefit from it themselves.

聽力題目逐字稿 Lecture

Let’s explore this through a case study involving a car manufacturing company. The company wanted to develop fully electric vehicles. The new cars would run on a powerful battery rather than an engine that burns gasoline. Now, it may sound easy to replace an internal combustion engine with a battery, but cars are incredibly complex machines. The company spent a massive amount of money researching and building prototypes, but they consistently ran into problems with the connection between the battery and all of the different systems. They were having difficulty developing a battery that could not only make the wheels turn, but also power the air conditioning, lights, built-in computer and so on. Fortunately for the company, its leaders recognized that while they were experts in building cars, they didn’t know much about producing batteries. So what could they do? In this case, the company published most of their research and car designs for anyone to see. This meant that battery manufacturers could learn about car systems and the unique challenges of producing a battery for an all- electric car. Since those companies were eager to sell batteries to the automotive company, their experts immediately began researching the problem and quickly produced a battery that fit the requirements of the car.



Using the example provided in the lecture, explain the concept of priming.(2023年8月真題)

🎙口說第3題 示範答案音檔

托福真經月報 – 口說第三題示範答案

口說第3題 示範答案逐字稿

The reading passage discusses the concept of open-source development. This is when a company deliberately shares intellectual property with others. The professor in the lecture gives the example of a car manufacturer that wanted to develop a fully electric vehicle. It spent lots of money on the project, but consistently ran into difficulties connecting the battery with the various systems in the car. In order to resolve this issue, the manufacturer published all of their research on the car for anyone to see. The battery manufacturers could learn about car systems and the unique challenges posed by the electric vehicle. So battery manufacturers were able to develop the perfect battery needed to make this car work. This shows an example of a company sharing its intellectual property in order to overcome a challenge that it couldn’t do itself.


聽力題目逐字稿 Listening

Nowadays, most stores use posted pricing, which means that all customers must pay a set price for a product. However, at one time, it was common to use negotiable pricing. With negotiable pricing, the seller suggests a price that is higher than what they think customers will actually pay. Customers then negotiate the price, that is, they try to convince the business to sell at a lower price. Let’s look at two disadvantages of negotiable pricing which have led to its decline in modern times.

For one thing, the high initial prices shown on products may scare customers and cause them to give up. Suppose that a toy store is trying to sell stuffed bears. The store puts a sign next to the bears with an initial, negotiable price. That number is probably around double the actual value of the bear. Now, even though the store doesn’t expect that they can sell the bears at this inflated price, when customers see the high number, their first reaction is, “Wow! Prices in this store are incredibly high. I think I’ll go to a different toy store.”

Another problem is that it takes time and energy for a company’s staff to negotiate prices. Sometimes, the conversation about price between customers and employees take many minutes. Let’s go back to the toy store example. Suppose a customer wasn’t scared away by the high initial price, because he knows he can talk with the staff and pay less. He picks up a stuffed bear, goes to the counter to pay and starts speaking with the employee there. But the employee doesn’t just take whatever price the customer suggests. Instead, they talk back and forth for several minutes about the value of the bear. Meanwhile, other customers are waiting in line and the employee’s other duties get ignored.



Using points and examples from the lecture, explain two disadvantages of negotiable pricing.

🎙口說第4題 示範答案音檔

托福真經月報 – 口說第四題示範答案

口說第4題 示範答案逐字稿

The lecture discusses two disadvantages of negotiable pricing, which is when a seller suggests a price and buyers negotiate the price to be lower. The first disadvantage is that the high initial price can scare customers. For example, if a toy store is trying to sell stuffed bears, they might list a price that is double the actual value of the bear. When customers see this high price, they might get scared and think that they can find a lower price at a different store. Second, negotiable pricing takes time and energy. Suppose that a customer does want to buy one of those stuffed bears. When he goes to pay for the bear, he speaks with the employees for several minutes, trying to negotiate the price. During this time, other customers are waiting in line, and the other duties of the employee are being ignored. So, these are the two disadvantages mentioned in the lecture.




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