



Claire: We’re going to do a very special video. 

Alex gonna take TOEFL test. 💪

Claire: You~ you’re too good at this? 

He’s gonna score 30 out of 30. 👍

You speak to me in Chinese. That’s more challenge.

Alex: 我~ 

Claire: What’s up, guys? 

Welcome back to my channel. This is Claire. 

And this is our special guest, Alex. Again. 

Do you want to introduce yourself in Chinese again? 

Alex: 你好, 我的名字是亞歷山大, 


我……No, no, no. 

Claire: Okay. He likes Taiwan guys. 

So, today we’re gonna do a very special video. 📽

Alex gonna take TOEFL test. 💪💪 You’re ready? 

00:49 托福口說規則

Claire: Yeah. So how it works is that you’ll have 15 seconds to prepare after you read the question and you have 45 seconds to answer. 

00:58 Q1:你是否同意人們的社交能力隨著科技的進步而退步?


Q1: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 

People’s social skills have declined as their use of technology has increased. 

Please prepare the answer after the beep. 🛎 

Beep~ 🛎a few moments later~ 

Please, begin speaking. After the Beep🛎~ 

01:15 Alex的回答(有些事情是視訊💻無法取代的.....)

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Alex: I agree that people’s social skills have declined with more technology use because they haven’t had as many opportunities to interact with people in person. 👫

There’s a lot more to social skills than there is to then there is to just be on a video or beyond the call. 

When you’re in person, you have the verbal language, some cues that you don’t quite understand when you are on video and such and so that technology kind of strips part of that experience away from you. 

I also think that people aren’t as inclined to go out as much……

…..and to socialize the people because you can connect with people so easily from your home and it’s much easier to just sit at home and connect without going out into the world. 

Claire: That’s great! 👍 You have three seconds to fill down. 

Claire: Yeah, you need to fill it. 

Alex: Oh, okay. 

Claire: Good job! 👍

Alex: Thank you. 

02:05 Q2:藝術家是天生的還是後天培養的?🧑‍🎨

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Next question is that some people believe that artists such as painters, writers and musicians need to be born talented in order to be successful at what they do. 

Others believe that artists can become successful through hard work. What is your opinion? 

Please begin speaking after the beep. 🛎

02:28 Alex的回答(梵谷👨‍🎨也不是一出生就是天才.....)

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Alex: Artist I believe…… and musicians can become successful without having natural talent. I think there are many examples in history. 

That shows that Pablo Picasso wasn’t necessarily considered to be one of the best artists Van. Gogh was considered to have his work rejected by people……

Because they didn’t see the talent. And only later after his death, I believe was where his work’s really recognized by people in the world. 

And so those are a couple of famous examples of people. 

And kind of like anything else, art comes from creativity. Comes from the heart…….

It’s not something that someone has to have any ability to be successful at. 

As long as they’re expressing themselves and staying true to the art, they can be successful. 

Claire: Oh, you do it pretty good. Good job!

You can score 30 out of the exam. 

I think you are too good at this. 

It’s supposed to be like all of these things…… 

Alex: Maybe in Chinese it will be very hard….. 

Clare: You gonna try it in Chinese? 

Try it in Chinese, put the same question. 

Alex: Oh, I don’t even have to say artist. 

Claire: 藝術家 

Alex: ㄒㄧˋ 術家…可以…..不知道 

Clare: You guys! 

You know. You’re doing great. 

A second language is hard to learn on next one. 

Alex: Okay. 

03:53 Q3:你是否認同父母應該用金錢獎勵孩子課業進步?

Claire: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Parents should give their children money as a reward for doing well in school. 

Please prepare your answer after the beep~


04:04 Alex的回答(如果父母用金錢獎勵孩子的課業,那小孩以後會……)

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Alex: I don’t agree that parents should give their children money as a reward for doing well, in school, children should be intrinsically motivated to do well in school. 

I know it’s not the most fun thing for them, but they will learn the……

They’ll get the rewards of……

……hard work, dedication, and doing things because it’s going to help them achieve more and do better in their lives.

Once the parent starts giving their kids money, their kids are going to be motivated by the money not by doing well in school.

And intrinsic, motivation tends to……

…….last longer than extrinsic extrinsic motivation. 

So, by creating and instilling values of education and doing well in school in their kids, parents are going to see that their kids will be more successful and not motivated by money. 

Claire: Perfect. Yeah, good job! Good job! 

04:53 東西教育大不同,美國家庭是否用零用錢鼓勵孩子?

Claire: Have your parents given you money to encourage you up? 

Alex: All of the allowance is a short period where we have allowances for doing house chores, they never gave me money for just nothing only if food and never got money for doing well in school. 

05:05 Q4:你是否同意遲交作業應該得到比較低的分數?

Claire: So on to the next question. 

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 

Class assignments that are handed in after the deadline should always receive lower grades.


05:17 Alex的回答(原來評分上公平不是最重要的事,而是……)

Alex: I don’t agree with that. 

I think that class assignments should not receive a lower grade for being handed in late. 

Because if the goal of class assignments is to measure what students know , what they’re learning. 

If the student is gone and done late, that kind of defeats…….

…….the purpose. 

They should be greeted the same. Now, of course, there’s some accountability and that student needs to learn and all.

But if you’re not, you’re not necessarily always testing for that and so depends on that assignment. 

But generally, students should get the same grade because they……

…….perform the work to the same quality as their peers.

And they shouldn’t be penalized for being late. Who knows what the circumstances were in that situation. 

Claire: Oh good. I would like to be your class. 

Alex: I have worked with a lot of teachers. 

Claire: So, you think they shouldn’t be…… 

Alex: It is like a one-off or maybe a few times I know, but it’s consistent. 

Yes. Because the student hasn’t learned that accountability. 

Claire: I think you’re too good at this. 

Do you want to speak to me in Chinese? 

That’s more challenge! 

Claire: Share a story that happened to you recently. 

Alex: 這個星期我ㄑ一ˋ了健身房,我…..說了…..和……一個……一個男人 ?他




Claire: I think the best mine so far is that you didn’t understand Chinese. 

Alex: I don’t understand fully, they are so fast. 

Claire: That’s how they feel about English. 

07:07 Q5:你喜歡逛大超市?還是小專賣店?為什麼?

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Claire: Last question. 

Some people like to shop in large grocery stores and department stores. 

Other people prefer to shop in small specialty stores or shops, which to prefer, explain why? 

07:17 Alex的回答(美國人選擇大超市,原來是因為這樣……)

Alex: I prefer to shop in large department stores because I have a lot of different needs usually. 

I’ll have different things I want to buy. 

They’ll usually have everything I want to buy, so I don’t have to go to different stores in order to purchase the things that I need……

……larger department stores also have better prices generally.

And I understand that sometimes you want to go to a specialist to support local businesses. 

But many times, I do go to the department stores for the cheaper prices for the variety of selection…….

And I think if small specialty salt wants to compare, they could have price care and keys. 

They can have ways to bring people in that may not be able to go to the department store. They can have deals or other services along with it. 

Claire: I’ll give you 30 out of 30. Yeah!! 


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