
其實日常聊天除了問對方:”How’s your day”之外,


👱:Hey, do you think students find reading fiction more enjoyable compared to nonfiction?


👩:Definitely reading fiction.

👱: Why? I’m curious to hear your thoughts on it.



口說單字庫 Vocabulary List:

  • 逃離到想像的世界中 escape into imaginative worlds ➡️閱讀小說對學生來說可能更加愉快,因為它讓他們能夠逃離到想像的世界中。Reading fiction can be more enjoyable for students because it allows them to escape into imaginative worlds.
  • 興奮的故事 exciting stories ➡️對學生來說,小說通常更具娛樂性,因為它們講述了令人興奮的故事。Fiction books are often more entertaining for students because they tell exciting stories. 
  • 引人入勝的情節和角色 engaging plots and characters ➡️小說通常具有引人入勝的情節和角色,能夠吸引學生投入故事中。Fiction books often have engaging plots and characters that draw students into the story.
  • 各種主題 various topics ➡️非虛構書籍具有豐富的資訊,可以擴展學生對各種主題的知識,但小說提供了一種不同的學習體驗。Nonfiction books are informative and can expand students’ knowledge on various topics, but fiction offers a different type of learning experience. 
  • 引發更多的想像力和情感反應 spark more imagination and emotional response ➡️非虛構書籍也可以很刺激,但小說通常能在學生中引發更多的想像力和情感反應。Nonfiction can be stimulating too, but fiction tends to spark more imagination and emotional response in students. 
  • 現實 reality ➡️小說讓學生能夠探索想像中的世界和情境,這些可能在現實中並不存在。Fiction allows students to explore imaginative worlds and scenarios that may not exist in reality.
  • 沈浸在敘事中 immerse themselves in the narrative ➡️學生們通常會覺得小說更具沉浸感,因為他們可以沈浸在敘事中並與角色產生共鳴。Students often find fiction more immersive because they can immerse themselves in the narrative and identify with the characters. 
  • 人生道理 life lessons ➡️非虛構書籍具有教育性,因為它們講述了現實生活中的主題,但小說書籍也可以以有趣的方式教導人生道理。Nonfiction books are educational because they teach about real-life topics, but fiction books can also teach life lessons in a fun way.
  • 逃離日常生活的壓力 escape from the pressures of everyday life ➡️閱讀小說對學生來說可能是一種放鬆,因為它讓他們能夠逃離日常生活的壓力。Reading fiction can be relaxing for students because it allows them to escape from the pressures of everyday life.
  • 引發更多關於主題和觀念的討論 provoke more discussion about themes and ideas ➡️小說和非虛構作品都可能引發爭議,但小說可能會引發更多關於主題和觀念的討論。Both fiction and nonfiction can be provocative, but fiction may provoke more discussion about themes and ideas.


I think students often find reading fiction more enjoyable compared to nonfiction. Fiction books tell ______________ with engaging ______________ that draw students into the narrative. They allow students to escape into a world that sparks more imagination and ______________. This immersion helps them escape from the ______________. While nonfiction books are informative and expand knowledge on ______________, fiction offers a different learning experience, teaching life lessons in a fun way. Both genres can provoke discussions about themes and ideas, but fiction tends to be more captivating and relatable for students.


I think students often find reading fiction more enjoyable compared to nonfiction. Fiction books tell exciting stories with engaging plots and characters that draw students into the narrative. They allow students to escape into a world that sparks more imagination and emotional responses. This immersion helps them escape from the pressures of everyday life. While nonfiction books are informative and expand knowledge on various topics, fiction offers a different learning experience, teaching life lessons in a fun way. Both genres can provoke discussions about themes and ideas, but fiction tends to be more captivating and relatable for students.

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